Assalamualaikum, y'all!!
Alhamdulillah. Just came back from the turned-out-to-be-not-so-mini UK Trip about 8 hours ago. What I thought was a 2-day trip was actually a 4-day trip and I'm still damn tired from the trip. I really wanna post some stuff but I think I need to rest 1st.
Buuuuut...Here are some picts as a sneak peek ;-)
On the way to Newcastle |
The view at Berwick Upon Tweed |
Ariq with mummy, daddy and Wan :-D |
Home of the bagpipes, haggis and Nessie O.o" |
Wassup? :-) |
Finally..Old Trafford! The Theatre of Dreams!! |
On the ground of legends |
Park Ji-Sung = Asian pride |
I sat in Sir Alex Ferguson's seat!! |
In the megastore with one of the employees |
He's a little devil.Err..Hehe.. |
Well, I'll post more Insya-Allah. The trip was 4 days from Saturday to Tuesday. So it might be a 2-part or 3-part post and tons of pictures. Haha!!
Gotta get some Z's..
See you guys on the flip side!!
waiting for ur next post..(^_^)
Hehe..Insya-Allah ;-)
Again, saya jealous !!!!!! Haha.. takpe takpe, kumpul duit dari sekarang. Insya-Allah boleh pergi ;)
untunglahhh -_____-
Haaaa!! That's the spirit.Hehe..Insya-Allah boleh (Y)
Hehehe ;-)
the first picture was so green :)
comelnya adikkkkk :D
Uhmmm..That's not my adik..It's my NEPHEW @____@"
yg club mu tu aku gile..aku nak pegi jgak~!!!
Hahaha!! X pe der..Kita ada peluang lg nk gi ni Insya-Allah.Study group dgn aku eh Kar nnt sem 3? Haha ;-)
the sceneries are so beautiful..:D
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