Tuesday 3 July 2012

Random Stuff But You Get The Gist

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamu'alaikum, peeps!!

Day 3 of the flu/fever/sore throat/demam.  Alhamdulillah I AM getting better day by day.  Last night however was completely miserable.  I had to dump the lab report on my lab partner, Zharif.  Sorry, Zharif!!


After maghrib, all I can do was just lie in bed.  I was damn tired.  My whole body felt like lead.  I fell asleep but luckily by His Grace and Power, I woke up at 9.15 p.m and did my Isha' prayers.  And right after that, BACK to sleep.  Woke up at 6.19 a.m.  Did my Fajr/Subuh prayers and here I am.

I know I'm still sick but I REALLY need to sweat it out.  Been waiting to play tennis during the evening but I guess there were some......Complications.  Hopefully today I can sweat it out.

By the way, my parents are coming back this Friday.  Insya-Allah I'll go pick them up with Along at KLIA since I only have 1 class that day.  Can't wait.


My class is at 10 today so I just thought of a little update before I go get ready.

On a much random note, on Mondays my classes are at 11 a.m.  So a certain blogger friend of mine asked me on FB why did I wake up so early.  The words that person said :

"Morning person betul :-)"

Hehe.  To say I'm a morning person, that's like such a big disclaimer.  Haha!!  But to say that I'm NOT is also that too.  I just thought that..Well, it's not good to sleep after the Fajr/Subuh prayers.  Rezeki/good fortune won't come our way.  Allah made the days for us to find our food and work and He made nights for us to rest.  I don't think you should mess with that cycle.  Unless you really have to of course.

Not trying to be pious, just a minor reminder


Have an awesome day everybody!  May Allah bless us with His Barakah Insya-Allah.

See you guys on the flip side!!

P.S : There will be times when a door closes and we wait/find another.  Bollocks!!  Just smash a window and go through there!!  XD

1 comment:

Lysa said...

Jarang jumpa lelaki yg suka bangun awal pagi.Most of the time memang majoriti kaum Adam suka tidur lepas subuh..awesome haha!!