Tuesday 16 April 2013

Age Is Just A Number

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Assalamu'alaikum, dudes and dudettes!!

Yesterday was the day of the looney (yet awesome) bro.  Today is the birthday of a lady that without her, I don't think I'll quite be where I am right now.

She pushed me and pushed me for me to be the best.  Say what you want about her but you just can't stop loving a lady of this stature.  Especially me being her son..........

Hehe.  I love these two pictures.

There are no words that can explain how lucky I am to have this lady as my mom.  I'm truly blessed.  No words or pictures can explain it.

Happy b'day Ibu!!  May Allah bless you always n give you a long and happy life.  AMIIIIIN..  In Sya-Allah.  Me and your other sons and daughter-in-laws and grandsons and of course Ayah love you very2 strong!  Stay awesome please!!


Just a short post guys.  Like I said, no words or pictures.

See you guys on the flip side!!

P.S: O Allah, lengthen the age and strengthen this lady who I call my mother.  Truly I am Blessed by Thee.  


Dayang Deno said...

selamat hari lahir juga untuk ibu choki!!!

p/s: kirim salam kat ibu ya.. :)

ILa_Mardhatillah said...
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ILa_Mardhatillah said...

sporting habis mak ngn anak!hee..happy belated birthday makcik..may Allah bless u and ur family also.ameen..