Friday 12 October 2012

Between The Ink And Paper

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamu'alaikum, y'all!!

Ok, I know I said I'll put my birthday wishlist on my next post here.  But I think I'll save it for the post A FEW days before my birthday.  Just a little heads up on what's happening right now.

Yesterday's Electronics 1 paper was a train-wreck.  Not to brag or anything but the questions were actually easy.  I mean...They were questions that I do in class.  I just blacked out.  So what did I do?  I started writing again.  If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about............

When I posted it here, I got some comments and I also put it on my 'notes' on FB.  Got lots of good comments and there were also friends who asked me to make a sequel and continue.  I think it's cos of the setting of the story.  As in WHERE the story was.  If you wanna know what I mean, do go to the link up there!!  Haha!!

Anywho, I have a 7-day gap till the next and final paper, Digital Electronics 2.  Been playing tennis a lot lately.  Just to past the time.  I don't know what I should do for the next few days.  I wanna go out and loosen up but the thing is, it'll mean that I won't have anything to do with my close friends at home.

The main thing is, I've started writing again and I think it'll be great but of course, that's my opinion cos it's MY writing.  I'll leave it up to you guys.  I'll be drowned in a lot of 'How I Met Your Mother's and 'Russell Howard's Good News's and music videos.  Yeah, I think I'll be busy.

Stay awesome, people!!

See you guys on the flip side!!

P.S: I can't wait to get back home >____<"

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