Thursday 25 January 2018

NZ Road Trip: Hokitika and Franz Josef

In the name of Allah. The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Assalamu'alaikum, y'all!!

"Nature! It's all over me!"
~ Melman (Madagascar) ~

Alright, people. Taylorville was cool. Our next destination is even cooler...Literally...



We made a pit stop at Hokitika. We thought there was an Islamic center there. Turns out, our intel was wrong. Still though, it didn't hurt to check out the town.

There was this glass studio where they made cool stuff by shaping glass.

They either want you to eat there until you have a fat pipi or IF you have a fat pipi, they bagi discount.

Haha!! JK

It's a good place to find some souvenirs too. Rambang mata wei. Haha! Alhough, I don't actually recommend you to splurge cash on souvenirs yet. Just trust me.

But it didn't stop Ibu though...

Hokitika is a small town near the beach about 40 km from Greymouth. Considering it was just the start of spring, it was a bit nippy so nobody actually went to the beach aside from tourists like us taking photos.

We were walking by this bicycle shop when Ayah met this guy, all geared up...

He's cycled all over the world even in Malaysia. He knew some places where cycling enthusiasts like to go which was pretty cool.

Hokitika was great but it felt like the fuzz were on our tail. So we had to bounce...

Next stop: Franz Josef

We reached Franz Josef and our place was at a trailer park which is not really unusual since some tourists travel around using caravans and motorhomes.  The place we stayed was like an old container you see on ships. To be honest, it wasn't that bad for a one-night stay.

Here are some photos....

Here at Franz Josef, that are some awesome things you can do but the favourites are skiing and checking out the glaciers. These activities are best done in winter for obvious reasons.

For skiing, you can go to the i-site and ask for info for not just skiing and the glaciers but also other activities you can do. At the place we stayed, there were a few shops that provide services like helicopter rides over the mountains and they can help you by dropping you off at the mountain slopes to ski.

Of course, we didn't actually thought about skiing so it was not really in our budget.

Anyway, got some nice photos early next morning....

Then we found this tricked out van that was a bit nostalgic....

Alright, guys. I'm actually nearing the end of the trip. Maybe a post or two. 3 at most. I'll make those posts ASAP In Sya-Allah.

See yo guys on the flip side!

P.S: My next post is the best place to go in south island. You wouldn't wanna miss it!