Saturday 4 January 2014

Hell of A Start

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Assalamu'alaikum, people!!

First of all, Alhamdulillah.  So far, 2014 has been quite nice to me.  I've started it on quite a high note.  It's the 4th now and uhmmmm..Yeah, I've been having quite a good time so far.

Like everybody else on January 1st (Wednesday) was a holiday for me.  But to be honest, I don't actually have classes on Wednesdays.  So not that much of a difference.  I didn't have that much of a holiday.  In my last post, I said something about a mini tournament.  We were actually trying to determine ranks among the tennis team.  Frankly, it was anybody's chance to get No. 1.  Our team is ok but in my point of view, they have their strengths.  6-2 wins against Kacang and Nabil in the QF and SF respectively got me into the finals.

It was me against Aji,  assistant manager against manager.  I won, 6-2 again.  So yeah, I guess I'm No. 1 but I just don't feel like it.  Cos there were a few good players missing.  Oh well, I have 3 months left in UTMKL.  They're gonna find another No. 1 eventually.

January 2nd was a good too considering I didn't have any classes.  The afternoon classes got cancelled and the morning Engineering Drawing class was for the 1st group.  I'm in the 2nd.  I compensated for the New Year holiday.  Slept like a baby.  Haha!!

January 3rd was my turn to do a presentation.  I didn't know it was my turn but considering I haven't done it yet, the lecturer called my name out.  And it wasn't even my topic to begin with! But I got the gist of it.  I don't like preparing the presentation but I like PRESENTING the presentation.  I like interacting with people, you see.  So the first Friday of 2014 was good.

And today, the 4th, I had a good tennis session with the team.  Yeah, I know.  I'm a bit obsessed with tennis but hey, at least I got an interest OUTSIDE my room.  Did a lot hits and winners and had some laughs.

By next week, my schedule will get even more hectic.  As if it's not like that RIGHT NOW.

Hope you guys are having a good 2014 so far.

See you guys on the flipside!!

P.S: A month since I came home :-(

1 comment:

Lysa said...

I kinda feel impressed when u said u like presenting the presentation :D Happy 2014 Choki!