In the name of Allah.
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Assalamu'alaikum, y'all!
"I'm the king of the world!"
~ Jack Dawson (Titanic) ~
As some of you might know, NZ has two major islands: NORTH island and SOUTH island. So the previous posts are from the north island. This post connects the north and the south 'cause we're going from Rotorua to Wellington, then on board the Interislander ferry to Nelson at south island.
Early afternoon on September 26th, a day after Hobbiton, we were off to Wellington but we were starving. You can mistake my rumbling stomach for a jet engine. So we went to a place called BurgerFuel (yes, it's spelled like that). Remember in Auckland where we met Abg Cik's friends and her family? Her dad mentioned BurgerFuel and said that they could prepare halal food. So, guys, if you get cravings, just find the nearest BurgerFuel and fill 'em up! We went to Taupo
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Don't you just love puns? Haha! |
It was raining like crazy outside. Otherwise we could've gotten a better view of Lake Taupo.
Another thing, the lakes in NZ are B-E-A-utiful. You see a lake, find a parking spot and just bask in the sun and see nature in its full glory. Believe me.
Anyway, after lunch, we had to Solat so we found an Islamic centre in Taupo.
Anywhere you go, just find an Islamic centre. In NZ, there are some places that have A LOT of 'em.
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For you history buff out there, there are a few museums you can go like the Wellington museum!
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See what I did there? Haha! |
Like in Taupo, we found an Islamic centre in Wellington to Solat.
We raced in our Corolla hatchback to the Interislander ferry! Just follow the signboards and you can go to the office or the waiting area if you're driving.
We stayed at Kea Apartments and the person handling our booking called and upgraded us! Tengok nasib la kan. Ada rezeki, dapat la upgrade. Haha!
Next post will be Taylorville where we met a few other furry friends. Check out the previous posts for flight preparations, Auckland and Rotorua.
See you guys on the flip side!!
P.S: I'm not technically working yet but I've already gotten the taste of paying commitments and bills.