In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Assalamu'alaikum, y'all!!
Since it's already near the end of June 16th, I think I'll put it in a past tense.
Today we celebrated a day dedicated to the men among men. The ones who went out of their way to be there for their sons and daughters and grand kids. One-half of the unsung heroes of a family (the other half being the female counter part).
I've said this in my FB post earlier that my only regret today is not being there with him. Not only that, 2 of my brothers are in London and my eldest is busy with his own family (I'm saying that second part because I don't know if he came to the house or not). Be that as it may, the sons of a one Jamalus Ramli have one thing in common today......
We all love him very2 strong!!
I can be a pain. Ok..I am a pain. Sometimes I just overreact you know? But this wonderful man who my brothers, 2 sisters-in-law and I call "Ayah" has learnt to put up with us all. I have no idea how he does it but he's doing an amazing job.
He's been there for me through all the highs and lows. I won't even be half the guy I am today without him. Nor will I try to reach any of my goals without his support. I've been studying all my life so far but he will always be my first teacher. I'm glad to say that I'm one of his four sons. I'm proud to have "Bin Jamalus" in my name. Because I can hold my head high and say, "That man is father."
We all love you so much, Ayah!! No words are ever enough to show it. May Allah bless you always, the same way we are blessed to have you in our lives. AMIIIIIN..In Sya-Allah..
There is another person who's quite near and dear to me who celebrated today. We met 4 years ago and we're still going strong. True, we've had our spats and disputes but that's what siblings do now innit?
She adapted herself to my quirks. I actually treat her as a "sister-from-another-mother". With that, she calls me "abang" a few times as I call her "adik" at times.
Happy Birthday, Sabreena! You're awesome to be friends with and I find it a privilege to know you and have the weird relationship that we have. Haha!!
May Allah bless you always and give you a long and happy life, little "pet sister" of mine.
I sometimes can't believe I have these amazing people around me. Especially my family and the ones outside my family who I consider my own flesh and blood. Alhamdulillah...
Well, gotta hit the sack in a few. Class till late afternoon tomorrow.
See you guys on the flip side!!
P.S: I'm crying!!!
how I miss Sab so bad :(
Thanks for ze wish brother~ Mehehehe.. Jazakillah~
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