Friday, 11 May 2012

It Sleeps 5 and It's Got Playstazion (Part 4)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamualaikum, peeps!!

Ok, on the 4th day, we all went to the UK Border Agency to get Ariq's visa.  there were so many people and we waited for so long but I guess it was worth it.  Little Ariq will have his visa soon so that he could go to Malaysia for Raya!  There will be so  many auntys and uncles who will be smothering you, Ariq. Hehe..


Though, there weren't any real drama going back from Sheffield to London.  Just the usual butt-numbing road trip.

All in all though, it was a great trip and one that I will never EVER forget.  Seeing the beauty of Edinburgh, strolling down Blackpool's beach and of course, going to Old Trafford.

I might be away for a few more days.  My parents and I are going to Rotterdam, Holland.  My dad has a cousin there so we're gonna stay at her house with her family.

After that, we're going to Paris for a night.  Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe.  Can't wait.

I'll be going to Rotterdam by airplane and my flight's at 8.30 p.m tonight (3.30 a.m in Malaysia) and Ayah's cousin will pick us up.  We'll be going to Paris by train.  I think it's a 3-hour ride.

Insya-Allah I'll post some stuff like I did recently.

See you guys on the flip side!!

P.S : My dear pet sis, Sabreena, got an interview for a MARA scholarship to do medicine in Ireland.  She said the interview went well.  Proud of you sis!  Your bro here will always pray for you!  ;-)


Anonymous said...

wahh..gud luck for sabreena..msti dpt pgi ireland tu..

CikTeddyCorner said...

hamboi..bnyknye tmpt die pi jalan2.huhu
btw, all the best to sabreena ^^

Choki said...

Insya-Allah kak.Bijak die tu :-)

Choki said...

Hehe.Rezeki jgn ditolak Cik Teddy.Hehe ;-) Hehe.Insya-Allah.Visit r blog die eh? :-D

Dayang Deno said...

wahhh... banyak betul tempat choki pergi.. tak sabar nak tahu cerita dari paris!! deno suka sangat baca cerita choki, thanks for sharing choki!!! letak gambar bebanyak tau.. hehe.. lebih2 pula deno :p

p/s: mcm mana ya choki hadapi cuaca di sana? my sis pegi spain, berdarah hidung sbb terlalu sejuk.. btw, good luck untuk sabreena! all the best! :)

Choki said...

Hehe.Insya-Alah Choki post bila ada masa.Thanx sbb layan blog ni yg ntah pape.Haha XD Terharu..Kat sini the weather agak sejuk lg2 kat Rotterdam sbb kat tepi laut.Kalo London sejuk bila ada angin je.Choki pakai jaket je kat sini.Sejuk tu melampau gak kdg2 tp Alhamdulillah x de pape yg teruk.Pening2 je la :-)

Dayang Deno said...

oh macam tu eh.. maybe kat spain sejuk die lain kot.. kaklong cakap sejuk kering.. entahlah, deno pun kurang phm.. hehe

p/s: fist time tahu"manglish".. heee... bukan apa, bila tengok hasil nukilan choki kat blog ni, rasa rendah diri pula.. deno ni kalau english biasa-biasa je.. rasa kagum bila tengok penulisan choki.. btw, i'm waiting for ur next entry!:)

sabr said...

aigooo.. bro, if i don't get then malula u post pasal my interview kat sini. huhuhuhu..

ch000tz said...

Eiffel Tower....hurrmmm mood jeles :p

Choki said...

Kat sini pun sama gak kalo nk ikutkan.Mmm..Hehe..English saya biasa2 je Kak Deno.I know ppl who r better.But thanx! Appreciate it a lot :'-)

Choki said...

Nk malu my sis had an interview? I don't think so.You GOT a chance.Students like me x dpt chances like that tau.Dpt or not I'm still proud of you ;-)

me said...

hye there! lama tak jenguk sini. busy. and final!!!oh man, pray for me. jangan lupa bawak balik bunga yang lawa.haha.^^

EruzuLiyana said...

congratulation to your sis. be a good doctor :)