So today's the 14th February. I really hope my brothers and sisters in Islam won't be celebrating this day today. If you guys have no idea what I'm talking about, check out this post. To those who are non-Muslim, have fun I guess.
Well, my D.E class got canceled, I guess I wanna update the old "canvas". Things been a bit crazy lately. Failed my D.E test the other day. No surprise actually but I ain't proud of it. Not one bit. But hey, sooner or later, you're gonna have to stand up after you fall down.
My teeth still hurt though. They replaced the steel with harder ones and with rubber bands that are a bit...Tighter?? Hahah...
I've been having fun with my tennis team lately. We played and we ate dinner together outside. The whole time we all just couldn't stop making jokes and cracking up. Especially Haziq and I. We kept teasing Kak Hannah. Haha!! We're still doing it. The seniors are coll also. Abang Arab and Luthfi. The bunch of them. It's awesome. And I'm actually quite flattered when Haziq told me that the seniors are alright with me as in they don't think I'm stuck up and all that. They actually think I'm one of the few who is actually good playing tennis among the freshies. So I guess it's great.
Short post for today. My engineering maths class is in half an hour. Which reminds me... I got Engineering Maths Test 2 this week. 2 more topics to cover!!
Haha!! Hell yeah I can!! XD
See you guys on the flip side!!
P/S : I've said it once, I'll say it again. I want Travis Clark's hair!! Hahaha!!!
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From left : Drew, Hunter, Travis and Danny (We The Kings) |
haha..cantik juga rambut camtu..
ok..apa2pun, buat terbaik dlm test nnti..oke :)
serius ka mau rmbut cmtu?huhu
co0l gak! neway,all best for u ^_^
jangan dekk..jangann.. nak rambut tu bole.. tpi jangan buat kt rambut sendiri yee..boleeee..tpi jgn warna yee(^-^)
what is d.e?
ha, seriously u wanna hair like that?
apa kata buat rambut macam "awan nano"...? harharhar!:p
... goodluck for ur test! :) deno still ada 3 paper for test this week... scary! :P
Dh dlm proses dh pun ni.Rambut dh pnjg XD
Of course la saya x kn dye rambut saya.Rambut die dh mmg naturally merah Travis tu.Kalo saya dye rambut nk solat cm ne? >_<"
D.E is Digital Electronics..Haha.Yeah!! I waaaant!! XD hehe
Yg mana satu tu? Hafiz ke Johan raja lawak? Haha!! #begitu lah awan nano nano nano nano# Hahah!! :-D
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