Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Which Part of China? Uhmmm..Downtown

Assalamualaikum, y'all!!

Do you guys remember my post called "Laughter Is The Best Medicine" ?  Yeah..Haha!!  Russell Peters and Gabriel Iglesias are down right the best comedians of the decade.  HANDS DOWN...  No offense to the local comedians of course.  

I just LOOOOVE making people laugh.  Haha!!  Especially my parents.  My "materials" for making people laugh is stand-up comedy.  It's the spontaneous words and one-liners that makes everybody crack up.  Haha!!  Lately I saw Gabriel's special called "I'm Not Fat I'm Fluffy" That guy's damn funny...And he's not fat..he's just fluffy.  Hahaha!!

Trust me, he can make you laugh.  If you ain't laughing I guess something's wrong with your funny bone...
Well, short post for today.  I got EFAS later..

See you guys on the flip side!!

P/S: The term "Serial killer" doesn't mean "pembunuh bijirin" in Malay...

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